Project title: Enforcement of Sulphur regulations; a Game Theoretic Approach (SulphurGATE) Period: 01/04/2018 → 31/05/2019
The purpose of the project is to develop a game theoretic modelling framework that improves the effectiveness of sulphur regulations enforcement. The existing legislative framework poses several challenges, stemming (mainly) from a highly non-homogeneous and spatially differentiated system, with cases where the penalty fines are as low as the benefit that the violator enjoyed from not complying. This project will examine the status quo of enforcement in different countries, where the regulation applies, and use a game theoretic approach for a uniform violation fine system.
To address this problem, the Orients Fund has awarded a 14-month research project to PI Dr. Thalis Zis.
This website provides information on the project, current work, and will be listing all relevant dissemination activities stemming through SulphurGATE.
The project is funded by the Orients Fond